Normcore communication between two different apps?

I have two different Unity apps and I want to a sync a model between them. The have a shared package that has the model and the sync class, and then both implement realtime, realtimeview, and the sync components in the scene.

Each of the projects work fine between themselves. I.e. a create and run a build of app A, then run app A in play mode. Same for app B. The problem is the do not interoperate: App A will not talk to App B. They are both using the same app id and room name.

I recall running into the same problem a couple of years back, something about the scene view ID.

Anyway around this? I dont want to go back to photon! :wink:

The issue is that RealtimeViews in a scene are assigned a UUID that is used to link them when connecting to a room. When you make two separate Unity apps, these IDs are going to be assigned to different values.

Typically we recommend folks create one scene file that has the common pieces, and then additively load it in both projects to ensure all RealtimeViews and component hierarchies have the same UUIDs assigned to them.

In our own projects, we’ll create a git repo to store these shared scenes and either embed them as a package or a git submodule in the repo of each Unity project.

Let me know if that works for you!


Works for me - thanks Max!